2020. sze 16.

The sun above the lofty mountains

írta: english proficiency preparation
The sun above the lofty mountains

Review of a TV programme

Hardly had I watched an informative documentary on the life of Tibetans on Channel 3 when it dawned on me that their culture, nomadic, modest lifestyle could have a huge impact on my attitude towards the uphill battles that I need to face daily. Produced in 2016, “The sun above the lofty mountains”…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

review culture Tibet writing skills sample writings TV programme Buddhism

2018. sze 05.

How to boost your writing

írta: english proficiency preparation
How to boost your writing

When you write in English, try to use a lot of adjectives as they help you make your piece of writing more colourful. Synonyms are also needed. Study the wordlists below and try to utilize these vocabulary items in your letters, compositions, reports, reviews, proposals, essays, etc.…

Tovább Szólj hozzá

synonyms antonyms writing skills

süti beállítások módosítása