2020. sze 13.

The significance of raising awareness of poverty as a global issue

írta: english proficiency preparation
The significance of raising awareness of poverty as a global issue


            This essay attempts to highlight the importance of raising awareness of poverty all over the world by two specific means. At first,  I tend to believe that education would considerably matter in order to mitigate the situation of impoverished people in numerous poverty-stricken countries in the third world, for example. Secondly, increased media coverage would undoubtedly enable people with a more stable background to draw their attention to the poor, and give them a helping hand to cope with their everyday, miserable life. I find both two ways of assisting people in need equally important.

            From my perspective, were education widely accessible globally, indigence may be kept under control more, especially in famine-stricken countries. Not only could teaching improve people’s health conditions, nutrition, circumstances, economic situation and their surrounding environment, but it would help with eliminating illiteracy, relieving homelessness, reducing the rate of unemployment, and ceasing child mortality. I am inclined to think that education would make students comprehend what precarious, long-term consequences destitution may result in, for example, a severe physical or mental health condition, or bankruptcy without any future prospects. Pupils ought to be taught how to manage their life, their precious time and their available physical assets as well.

            Furthermore, I hold the view that mass media have much more enormous power that anyone could imagine as average people are constantly bombarded with a plethora of information through diverse mediums. If the majority of well-to-do people could understand how strenuous life the poor have to face, they might be willing to support impoverished people more somehow, for instance, with the help of diverse charities,  foundations, or any other supportive assistance. Affluent societies of the western part of the world would definitely be able to donate considerable sums to countries and their people in need.

            In the light of the above considerations, I tend to view what really could help to ease the situation of needy people are education and wide publicity in the media. Education could function as an exceptionally inspiring force as it could emphasise questions like how to lead a financially stable, well-balanced life, what coping skills would make people eligible for a living, and what it means to possess fundamental physiological and safety needs of the Maslow pyramid. Furthermore, increased publicity would urge wealthier people to be socially more sensitive, and assist more as due to their secure financial background they would be the ones who could help the impoverished from every aspect.

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essay poverty